The worst ever i have been rescheduled 3 times now making it a full on year since i have filed my paper work for custody agreement for my son ive had to call the sheriff multiple times for my sons mother cause problems for me trying to get my son the sheriff do nothing but favor her and for yuma county superior to reschedule for yet a 3rd time and the fact they do this every single time they wait right until my date is close and then send me a message or letter saying they changed my court date 3 times in a row is rediculous and excessive and honestly seems like they are taking my case as a joke somehow i am going to find a way to file a complaint with this court and at this point im going to ask for this to be transfers to phoenix where i reside cause at this rate by the time i get before a judge it’ll probably be years thats how it feels but im sure if it was the other way around for the women the court would bring me before a judge within a month this is just unfair and not right