I am not an Attorney but I challenged Florida's "At Will Employee Law" as being unconstitutional. My argument was effective and thought provoking enough that an Appellate Court in the state of Florida gave me a ruling with both upper and lower case numbers. Constitutional law states " there shall be made law for which there is no remedy ". Although they ruled against me I set a precedent which clearly makes me a winner. I did most of my discovery in the law library on the first floor sitting behind the long wood table. I researched previous cases as my foundation on which to build. The books can't leave so I stayed with the books many long hours. It's more than courtrooms. I filed both my divorce lawsuit through materials provided in the the " self service center " at nominal cost. Researched Deeds, paid traffic tickets and more. It's an amazing landmark and City within itself. You don't have to be a criminal to take advantage of its vast amenities.