About visiting the probate court
About visiting the probate court

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This court does not bother to comply with the ADA, or WLAD. Don't expect the rule of law to be worth much in a backwoods kangaroo court like this. If you are a taxpayer in Whitman County the people who run this court are going to cost you a bunch of money which could be put to better use. Maybe your county should secede from the United States if you don't like the law?
We appreciate the clerks and the hard work they do. Thank you from everyone at Martonick Law.
Coming out of court after defending my rights. I was stalked and followed, by not only my sons lieing mother and her sister but the cops who were called by them. And when i went back to court and filed a anti harassement petition Judge Gary Libey denied it. Wouldnt hear what i had to say, showed no care that i was stalked and harassed. Since its the father geting screwed and stalked and harassed whitman county judge did not care. if your a dad whitman county can not be trusted.
Most people don’t know, but the average person spends a year of their life, $14k, and 12 hours each week dealing with the probate and estate settlement process.
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Atticus is a San Diego based fintech company committed to empowering families through the process of bringing a close to the financial life of a loved one. It’s groundbreaking probate & estate settlement product is a comprehensive, all-in-one platform combining personalized guidance with intuitive, easy-to-use tools that allows families and their advisors to save time and money by navigating the estate settlement and inheritance process together.
Atticus is available nationally across the United States and Canada and is backed by a passionate team of industry experts including tax, legal, financial and fiduciary professionals.